ordiecole.com : larry kenyon (alias joe kenyon)
Larry Kenyon, né en 1953, et sa femme Patti participèrent au développement
des premiers Macintosh, dans le "software team" de
Steve Jobs (né en 1955 et décédé en 2011).
Le premier Macintosh vit le jour en janvier 1984 :
Anecdotes about the development of Apple's original Macintosh, and the people who made it.
voir ici :
The Original Macintosh
(auteur : Andy Hertzfeld,
Larry Kenyon
On February 10, 1982, Jerry Mannock, the manager of the industrial design team, spread out a large piece of drafting paper
on the table to capture our signatures. Steve gave a little speech about artists signing their work, and then cake and champagne
were served as he called each team member to step forward and sign their name for posterity :
Steeve Jobs. Cover of the Premier Issue of MacWorld, the Macintosh Magazine (12.1983)
en haut : Rony Sebok, Susan Kare.
au milieu : Andy Hertzfeld, Bill Atkinson, Owen Densmore.
en bas : Jerome Coonen, Bruce Horn, Steve Capps, Larry Kenyon.
tout devant : Donn Denman, Tracy Kenyon (née le 2 décembre 1983), Patti Kenyon
The pyramid was only sustained for a few seconds. Here we are just after its collapse.
From left to right, there's Jerome Coonen, Donn Denman, Andy Hertzfeld, Rony Sebok,
Bruce Horn, Susan Kare, Bill Atkinson, Owen Densmore, Steve Capps, Larry Kenyon,
Patti Kenyon (holding little Tracy Kenyon)
This is a picture of the entire Macintosh team that worked in Bandley 3,
in front of the building. It was taken in December 1983 for the initial issue
of MacWorld magazine. Note Larry Kenyon sitting at the front right,
holding his newly born daughter Tracy, who's only a few weeks old.
Some members of the Mac team photographed in 1989,
to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Macintosh.
Everyone is folding their hands in tribute to a favorite Steve Jobs gesture.
The back row on the stairs is Patti Kenyon, Bud Tribble, Brian Howard and Steve Capps.
The front row is Joanna Hoffman and Andy Hertzfeld.
On the right are Larry Kenyon and Mike Boich.
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